City of Redcliffe Chess Club has a Covid-19 Safe Plan

Following the QLD Government Covid-19 guidelines the CoRCC will need to implement the following measures…

  • Keep a register of all present for possible contact tracing.
  • Ensure Physical distancing requirements are adhered to.
  • Hygiene guidelines are followed.

Register of Participants

Tournament entrants will need to provide their contact details including mobile phone number, home address and email address.

Physical distancing

  • 1.5 metres between people
  • one person per 2 square metres when indoors


  • hand washing/sanitising – participants to wash hands or use hand sanitiser with at least 60% ethanol before and after each round. Hand sanitiser will be provided throughout the venue.
  • cover your coughs and sneezes and properly dispose of tissues, and hand wash immediately after
  • avoid touching your face – eyes, nose & mouth.
  • clean equipment CoRCC will spray each board and pieces with Glen 20 between games.
  • limit touching surfaces – At the start of the round high touch points eg. door handles and draw areas will be wiped down using antibacterial wipes or appropriate cleaner.
  • limit contact between participants – no handshakes or high fives
  • do not attend if you are unwell.