3 Queenslanders in the Australian Junior Team!
Our showing in the Australian U/18s would not indicate that we should have 3 of the top 10 places in the team. Congratulations anyway! Statistics – what are ya gonna do?
The OZJunFIDE file has finally been updated for this month.
This data should be compiled by the National Body or at least the individual states.
I was slow getting the update out because I am now having to put together results from the Australian Junior Championships. Piece by piece the jigsaw is being completed!
You can imagine my chagrin when I see our admin. people waxing on about overseas wars, existentialism,
who will get into Tata Steel etc., on ChessCat.
How about focussing on an official National Junior FIDE list instead?
Imagine the uproar if I was to invoice the National body for all of this work – that would mean less money for rating prizes – unthinkable!
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