How is RCC Inc. going?
We have held 12 “fast” chess nights since August 2022. That is from 5 minutes to 15 mins.
12 nights – 311 players – average 25 players per night.
Slow or ACF rated
37 nights – 694 players – average 18.8 players per night.
State of Origin
3 nights – 56 players – average 18.7 players per night.
Ave. per month.
Aug-22 16.80
Sep-22 19.00
Oct-22 20.25
Nov-22 17.20
Dec-22 15.67
Jan-23 18.50
Feb-23 20.25
Mar-23 20.80
Apr-23 26.50
May-23 28.00
Jun-23 18.50
Jull-23 25.33 (3 nights so far, 76 players)
2022 21 nights – 374 players = 17.81
2023 27 nights – 608 players = 22.52
It seems we have hit a happy medium between good slow ACF rated tournament games and fast chess nights.
Basically, we are up 4 players per night on average so far this year.
We have a good pool of very strong Juniors.
They includes some of the strongest female age group players in the state/country.
We have one Australian U/8 Champion and 2 Australian Girls Champions in regular attendance.
The only group missing from the club is the over 2000 FIDE crowd.
We desperately need some “Marquee players” for our members to play.
Miami has just signed Messi. Before it was Beckham.
These signings turned USA from a soccer backwater to them having the strongest female team on the planet.
See you this Wednesday for Round Two of the Norm Braybrooke Classic.
QJ and ACF rated.
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