RCC back this Wed. 7th July – Wear a mask!
Hi All
Chess is ON this Wednesday night July 7 from 7:30pm, with tournament games on just after 8pm. Wear a mask. If you are feeling sick at all, stay at home – but let me know you are not coming via a text message before 8pm on 0431 419 136.
The Queensland Junior Chess Championships are now underway at the Sunnybank Performing Arts and Cultural Centre, Sunpac. Many of our Redcliffe Juniors are taking part.
If you type the following into your internet browser, you will be able to view the top 14 boards from the u14-u18 Chess Championship: caq.org.au/qld-juniors-starts-6th-july-2021-at-sunpac/
See you Wednesday night!
Regards Mark C Stokes 0431 419 136
PS A few players still need to pay the $20 for Seniors or $6 for Juniors entry fee for our current tournament, the Lou Wilkinson Memorial. If you still need to pay, please direct deposit your entry fee into the Redcliffe Chess Club Westpac Account: BSB:734208 Account Number: 070051 Use your name as the reference.
PPS Remember to enter the Wendy Terry Memorial here at Rothwell on Saturday July 24 and Sunday July 25, the Chess People FIDE RATED One Day u1750 ACF Rapid on Sunday August 8 here at Rothwell and our own weekender, the 2021 Leo Wilkinson Memorial here at Rothwell on Saturday September 25 and Sunday September 26 – just $30 for Redcliffe Members for the Leo Wilkinson Memorial!
Get full entry details for all the above events off the CAQ Website under Coming Events: www.caq.org.au
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