Congratulations to Iris and Nikola from RCC Inc. Club on their new FIDE ratings.

507 FIDE – World rated players now in Queensland – that I have found – there may be more.

How many of them play regularly in local events? Very few. Just the same old faces.

  • Time for a complete rethink on how we conduct competitive chess in Australia.
  • Time for a National Teams comp. held online over several months.
  • Time for some “Grand Slam” events focussing on top National and Overseas players.

(I think we all know that paying amateur players cash prizes does not work – check out recent standings files)

  • Time for an Australian Team and an Australian Female Team and an Australian Junior Team.
  • Time for some “Friendlies” against anyone who will play us.
  • Time to start paying GMs to play in our National Championships so that GM and IM Norms can be achieved.
  • Time to bury the Monster Swiss back in the garden – where it belongs.

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