2024 Australian Junior Championships Under 16 Open – Round 7 pairings.

Pairing of round 7, at 2pm of 19/01/2024

Bo. Fed White Player Pts NW Result NB Pts Black Player Fed
31 QLD Leong,Joel 5 4 2 5 Chakrabarty,Reyaansh NSW
32 NSW Anup Kumar,Vihaan 4.5 6 1 4.5 Maria,Alistair SA
33 NSW Lyu,Taifeng 4 5 9 4.5 Jain,Shaurya QLD
34 VIC Chai,Isaac 4 12 3 4 Rupasinghe,Sayum NSW
35 QLD Chen,Austin 4 8 35 4 Liu,Hubo (Andrew) VIC
36 VIC Dang,Ryley 4 15 7 3.5 Charters,Jamie D SA
37 NSW Barnett,Joshua 3.5 10 16 3.5 Ong,Jonathan Si Seng NSW
38 QLD Han,Lucas 3.5 17 11 3.5 Gong,Leo NSW
39 NSW Arav,Jayden 3 13 28 3 Schiavone,Isaac SA
40 QLD Egorov,Nicholai 3 27 14 3 Dunbabin,William TAS
41 NSW Song, Mingeun 3 19 25 3 Xin,Steve SA
42 QLD Yevdokimov,Theo 2.5 18 23 2.5 Chen,Micah VIC
43 SA Joshi,Joshua 2.5 22 33 2.5 Harding,Gabriel SA
44 QLD Yelkhovsky,Daniil 2.5 29 34 2.5 King,Alexander SA
45 SA Horlin-Smith,Alexander 2 20 30 2 Thompson,Selby VIC
46 TAS Soriano,Matthew 2 21 26 2 Lavrentiadis,Gabriel SA
47 SA Cai,James 2 31 24 2 Smith,Sam SA
48 SA Yue,Jayden 2 37 36 1.5 Xiang,Tony SA
49 SA Kirushanthan,Shanthosh 0.5 38 32 1 Cai,Scott SA

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