How to play for the Redcliffe Dolphins Chess Club Team this Saturday night

How to play for the Redcliffe Dolphins Chess Club Team this Saturday night December 16 from 8pm to 10pm:
  1. Become a member of LiChess if you are not already a member.
  2. Email your LiChess name and real name to      ( eg  Crazy Bugger is Mark C Stokes )
  3. Join the Redcliffe Dolphins Team at this link:
  4. Join the Arena Bullwinkle Christmas Battle at this link: before 8pm Sat night
Problems joining ????  – Text or ring Jacob Edwards from Bullwinkle Chess Club on 0433 959 446 well before 8pm on Saturday night.
If you have already played for Redcliffe Chess Club in a LiChess Match before, you can play for that team if you want OR withdraw from it and join our brand new Redcliffe Dolphins Team. This is what I have just done, withdrawn Crazy Bugger from the Redcliffe Chess Club Team and instead joined the brand new Redcliffe Dolphins Team! You will see Crazy Bugger in the list of Redcliffe Dolphins players – that is really Mark C Stokes.
You can join the Redcliffe Dolphins Team now – you do not need to wait till Saturday night.
Have fun on Saturday night – the time control is 7 minutes each + 5 seconds a move.  The top 6 scores of each team decide the winner.
Cheers Mark C Stokes   0431 419 136
PS  The 2023 CAQ Blitz Chess Championship, 3 min + 2 sec, is on this Sunday December 17 from 1pm, at the Mount Gravatt Bowls Club. See full details of the CAQ Blitz Chess Championship on the CAQ Website under Coming Events:     It follows the 2023 CAQ Inc AGM that starts at 10am. Come to that too if you want to. I am going to both.
PPS  The Redcliffe Chess Club FREE PIZZA NIGHT, FUN CHESS NIGHT, TROPHY PRESENTATION NIGHT and 2023 AGM is on from 7pm this Wednesday night December 20. Be there or be square – all players welcome to this night! Send nominations for the 2024 Redcliffe Chess Club Committee to  ASAP. Here are the nominations already received: President – Mark C Stokes,
Treasurer – Tony Weller,    Secretary – Max Kershaw,   Website Editor – Kerry Corker,    Club Committee Person 1 – David Beaumont  AND
Club Committee Person 2 – Jai Turner

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