2023 Mars Chess Club Junior Rapid Chess Championships (Mon December 11th)

2023 Mars Chess Club Junior Rapid Chess Championships (Mon December 11th)

Mars Chess Club Invites you to join in one of the last events before the Christmas –
2023 Mars Chess Club Junior Rapid Chess Championships
Two Divisions – Rated Divisions and Unrated Divisions
7-round 15mins + 5s tournament. (ACF Quick & QJ Rated)

Date: Monday – December 11th from 9am

Venue: Sky Rooms Calamvale Hotel – 678 Compton Road, Calamvale QLD 4116

The tournament will be open to all juniors under 18.
There will be 2 separate divisions – Rated Division (Rating groups in Rated Division) and Unrated Division

Register online at: https://forms.gle/FMHsEtD1ZKxWWSEX9

Unrated Children may play in the rated division, but Children with a Queensland Junior rating can only play in the rated division.

Prizes: Total Prize Pool: $1500+

Open Division – ‘Magnus Carlsen’ Group (Division A)
1st: $300 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate + $100 worth of gift
2nd: $200 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate + $50 worth of gift
3rd: $100 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate + $25 worth of gift

1-3 Rating Groups Depends on entry.
‘Ding, Liren’ Group (Division B)
1st: $100 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate + $100 worth of gift
2nd: $50 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate + $50 worth of gift
3rd: $30 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate + $25 worth of gift

Unrated Division – ‘Hikaru Nakamura’ Group (Division C)
1st: $30 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate + $25 worth of gift
2nd: $20 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate + $25 worth of gift
3rd: $10 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate + $25 worth of gift

Top 3 Outstanding Female Players
1st: $30 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate + $25 worth of gift
2nd: $20 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate + $25 worth of gift
3rd: $10 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate + $25 worth of gift

Best Upset Prize: Certificate + $25 worth of gift

‘4+Point Club’: Ribbon for all eligible players

Entry Fee:$50

Time control: 15 minutes + 5 seconds increment from move 1.

Pairing System:
Vega for Rated Division, Swiss Perfect for Unrated Division

Tie Break:
1.Median Buchholz; 2. Buchholz; 3. Progressive.

Registration: Monday 8:00-9:00am
Round 1 @ 9:30am Rounds 2-7 will commence once all players are complete their rounds.
Presentations: Approximately 4:30pm

Forfeiture time:
15 minutes from start time.

Half Pointe Byes:
A maximum of two half points byes only will be permitted for rounds 1 to 5

DOP/Arbiters – FA Shaun Curtis and NA Mars Qi

In case of a tie, the Tournament titles and trophies will be decided on tie-break but all prize money for placings will be evenly split.
A list of entries will be published over the next weeks. Look forward to seeing you there!

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