August Lightning at RCC Inc. Final results – 41 – ALMOST A CLUB RECORD!
Was it worth spending $100 to get strong players to our club?
Coorparoo State School x 1
Indooroopilly High x 1
Earnshaw x 1
Nudgee College/Junior Club x 2
St Patrick’s x 2
The Lakes College x 2
Mango Hill x 2
Japanese exchange students x 2
Wilston State School x 1
All these new players came for the strong opposition and the chance to improve their ratings.
Spending money to bring new members for Wednesday night club nights is always going to be a good investment.
It is investing in our future – not the past.
The “find” of the tournament was Rossi Barnes – this guy is going places and he needs strong opponents to bring out his best chess. See you next week Rossi.
Go to bottom for Ratings Report (guide only)
Adults ACF* and Juniors QJ
*Apologies for having to use ACF and not the World Standard, FIDE. Our QJ Ratings Compiler, Dr David McKinnon likes to use ACF. He is going to be disappointed when he finds out Bob Menzies is no longer Prime Minister. I’ll have to tell him eventually.
37 in the tournament. – One withdrawal due to illness.
3 for the New Junior Club
plus me, the club’s new de facto Arbiter.
41 players on the night.
Thanks to all those who turned up early to help on our second busiest night on record.
Thanks to Club President, Mark Stokes, Allan Fossey and visitors from Melbourne David Beaumont and Stephen Wertheim. Every little bit helps on busy nights.
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