Queensland-Open-2023 – 31 players – 2 IMs. Final Standings

Congratulations to IM Stephen Solomon and IM Brodie McClymont on equal first.

George Harding-Perrott, visiting from England, was third outright.

Cross Table at round 6 sorted by score

Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6    |  Buc1    BucT    DE1   
  1 Solomon,Stephen J              2394  IM AUS  5.5 | +W16  +B9   +W3   +B4   =W2   +B5    |   21.5    24.5     0.5 
  2 McClymont,Brodie               2509  IM AUS  5.5 | +B12  +W10  +B5   +W18  =B1   +W4    |   20.0    22.5     0.5 
  3 Harding-Perrott,George         1979     ENG  4.5 | +B13  +W11  -B1   =W6   +B18  +W8    |   19.5    22.0     0.0 
  4 Casey,Kevin                    1777     AUS  4.0 | +B24  +W6   +B8   -W1   +B14  -B2    |   21.5    23.5     0.0 
  5 Jain,Shaurya                   1608     IND  4.0 | +W28  +B26  -W2   +B19  +W7   -W1    |   18.0    18.5     0.0 
  6 Nag,Suvan                      1289     AUS  4.0 | +W19  -B4   +W26  =B3   =W9   +B14   |   17.5    18.0     0.0 
  7 Han,Lucas                      1334     AUS  4.0 | +B14  =W8   =B10  +W13  -B5   +W12   |   17.0    20.0     0.0 
  8 Patterson,Miles                1830     AUS  3.5 | +W15  =B7   -W4   +B9   +W11  -B3    |   19.5    22.5     0.0 
  9 Weller,Tony                    1529     AUS  3.5 | +B25  -W1   +B12  -W8   =B6   +W19   |   18.5    20.0     0.0 
 10 Barkley,Christian              1459     AUS  3.5 | +W21  -B2   =W7   -B17  +W20  +B18   |   17.5    19.5     0.0 
 11 Howard,Joshua                  1367     QLD  3.5 | +W27  -B3   +W15  =BYE  -B8   +W13   |   15.0    15.0     0.0 
 12 Chalil-Biju,Steve              1269     AUS  3.0 | -W2   +B21  -W9   +B15  +W17  -B7    |   19.0    21.0     0.0 
 13 Macleod,Keith                  1228     QLD  3.0 | -W3   +B27  +W17  -B7   +W22  -B11   |   17.0    18.0     0.0 
 14 Egorov,Nicholai                 500     QLD  3.0 | -W7   +B28  +W22  +B27  -W4   -W6    |   15.0    15.5     0.0 
 15 Bender,Peter G                 1191     AUS  3.0 | -B8   +W20  -B11  -W12  +W25  +B21   |   14.5    16.0     0.0 
 16 Kuypers,Ron                    1258     AUS  3.0 | -B1   -W18  =BYE  +B25  =W21  +B22   |   13.5    13.5     0.0 
 17 Stokes,Mark C                  1418     AUS  3.0 | =BYE  =BYE  -B13  +W10  -B12  +W24   |   11.5    11.5     0.0 
 18 Goodwin,Robert                    0     AUS  2.5 | +W22  +B16  =BYE  -B2   -W3   -W10   |   18.5    18.5     0.0 
 19 Arthur,Thomas                     0     AUS  2.5 | -B6   +W24  +B28  -W5   =BYE  -B9    |   14.0    14.0     0.0 
 20 Carroll,Nash                    587     QLD  2.5 | -W23  -B15  =W21  +B26  -B10  +W27   |   13.0    13.5     0.0 
 21 Zhang,Jeremy                    618     QLD  2.0 | -B10  -W12  =B20  +W28  =B16  -W15   |   15.0    15.5     0.0 
 22 Ottschoffski,Eddie             1277     QLD  2.0 | -B18  +W25  -B14  +W24  -B13  -W16   |   13.5    15.0     0.0 
 23 Harris,John                (W) 1455     QLD  2.0 | +B20  =BYE  =BYE   --    --    --    |   13.0    13.0     0.0 
 24 Mulholland,Philip              1072     QLD  2.0 | -W4   -B19  +W27  -B22  +W26  -B17   |   12.5    13.0     0.0 
 25 Vizgoft,Jason                   630     QLD  1.5 | -W9   -B22  =BYE  -W16  -B15  +B26   |   12.0    12.0     0.0 
 26 Parshuramakar,Vasav             624     AUS  1.0 | +BYE  -W5   -B6   -W20  -B24  -W25   |   15.0    16.5     0.0 
 27 Jain,Nirvaan                    543     IND  1.0 | -B11  -W13  -B24  -W14  +B28  -B20   |   14.0    14.5     0.0 
 28 Biju,Stefan                     688     AUS  1.0 | -B5   -W14  -W19  -B21  -W27  +BYE   |   12.5    12.5     0.0 
 29 Adinur,Afrizal Labib       (W)    0     AUS  0.5 | =BYE   --    --    --    --    --    |   12.5    12.5     0.0 
 30 Kumar,Anup                 (W)    0     AUS  0.5 | =BYE   --    --    --    --    --    |   12.5    12.5     0.0 
 31 Kumar,Vihan                (W)    0     AUS  0.5 | =BYE   --    --    --    --    --    |   12.5    12.5     0.0 

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