FIDE Ratings and stars of the future – go to OzJunFIDE on front page

For an update on the best Juniors in the country listed by year of birth, go to the far right on OzJunFIDE.

I am trying to set up an interview with our National Trainer to get their opinion of these youngsters.

Anyone knowing the name or our National Trainer – please contact me.

Where did we get the money to employ a part-time National Trainer?

We stopped burning money on rating prizes and started investing in our future.

A good step forward towards an Olympiad Team with an average rating of 2701.

We are going to need it if we want to keep ahead of Belgium.


Qld. – Terrence  Li – FIDE 1556 – born 2015

WA – Carter Kerr – FIDE 1286 – born 2016

WA – Tobias Passmore-Bowman – FIDE 1233 – born 2016

Vic. – Kaisar Batyrbekov – FIDE 1004 – born 2016

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