“The National Junior Chess League” – naming rights available – a few nibbles…

*Caelum, non animum, mutant qui trans mare currunt.
“They who rush across the sea change their sky, not their soul”
Horace, Epistles 1.11

*This is actually the motto of the other NJCL


News on the as yet unnamed “National Junior Chess League” NJCL

The Australian Junior FIDE rated players I have gathered so far from the FIDE site include:

Victoria – 107+

NSW – 54+

Qld. – 50+

WA – 23

SA – 10

ACT – 9

Tasmania – 3

How many Juniors will RCC Inc. be fielding in the Qld. Team of 10?

1 Renjith Sravan 2117
2 Ooi Jayden 1913
3 Leong Benjamin 1865
4 Young Micah 1808
5 Baneshi Kiamehr 1757
6 Zhu Harvey 1756
7 Xing Zerui 1750
8 Aanan Shafiuddin 1748
9 Tang Terrence 1742
10 Ly-Liu Alexavier 1735
11 Leong Joel 1675
12 Gratchev Ekaterina 1638
13 Chen Austin 1633
14 Liaw Ryan 1630
15 Atia Ben 1623
16 Bond Nicholas 1606
17 Phillips Max (2008) 1600
18 Simic Filip 1572
19 Strong Oliver 1569
20 Yang Oliver 1537


How do we get 17 and 18 into the Top 10? Welcome to Team’s Sports.

Everything revolves around the Team, not the individual.

If we get more reps. In the State Team, our club grows stronger.

Once the Junior National comp. is up and running, then of course we develop an Open comp. along similar lines.


Your move.

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