Notice of CAQ Inc. AGM

Notice of CAQ AGM

The Chess Association of Queensland wishes to advise that the Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 11th December at 9.30am at the Mt Gravatt Bowls Club.

The AGM will see the following positions being voted on:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Membership Secretary
  • Tournament Officer
  • Junior Chess Coordinator
  • Regional Liaison Officer
  • Development Officer
  • Publicity Officer

The following positions are also due to be appointed:

  • CAQ Interschool Coordinator
  • Newsletter Editor
  • Grand Prix Coordinator

Nominations for any of the above positions must be submitted in writing – via the nomination form on the CAQ website – to the CAQ Secretary, Hughston Parle via email, no later than 5.00pm, 13th November.

All CAQ Members are invited to attend the AGM, and all clubs should ensure their club is represented either in person, or by proxy. All delegates and proxies must be financial members of the CAQ.

Should any clubs wish to have anything added to the Agenda for the AGM, please email the CAQ Secretary by 5.00pm, 13th November to ensure adequate time for notice to be provided to clubs.

Upcoming Events
CAQ Blitz Championships

This tournament will be held on Sunday 11th December, following the AGM. Anticipated start time is 12.00pm for registration and 12.30pm start of play. 11 Rounds of 3 minutes + 2 seconds per move.

Bundaberg Classic

Being held on the weekend of 19th and 20th November, Bundaberg will once again put on another great event which will see players from around the Wide Bay region have the chance to take on players from further afield across the weekend. See the flyer for full details.

Queensland Teams Championships

This annual fun event is open to clubs and teams of players to come and enjoy. It will be held on Saturday 26th November with further details to be found on the CAQ Coming Events page when they are released.

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