2023 Suncoast Chess Family Day Event

2023 Suncoast Chess Family Day Event

When: Sunday 29th January 2023 check in by 11:30 am

The tournament starts at 12:00 pm

Suncoast Chess are hosting a Tournament.

We welcome all players young and old to come along for a family-friendly afternoon of a chess game.


Improve your skills in the game of chess and meet some top-rated players to find out more about gaming strategies. Find out more information about the Suncoast Chess Club and how to become a member.


This is an open event for adult and junior players of all abilities.

Tea, coffee, and light refreshments will also be available together with an area to play friendly chess.


    Where: BWMCA Hall – 1 Main Street Buderim QLD 4556

How to register:


Entry fee: $20.00 per player

Additional family members $10 per player

(Include parents or siblings)

Step 1. Go to the Website https://suncoastchess.com.au/register-for-an-event and locate the “Family Day Event” and click “Register Now

Step 2. Enter the Full Names, D.O.B, Rating (Optional) for each entrant and the amount paid.

Step 3. Using Direct Deposit: Suncoast Chess Club: BSB:  064 239  Acc: 1006 7014 (Use your “Last Name” as a reference.)


Prizes/Rating Groups:

The number of rating groups will depend on the number of entries received.

Medals will be awarded for 1st – 3rd place in each division including Best Junior Female.

The tournament starts at 12:00 pm, with 7 Rounds,

15 minutes each. QJ Rated. Entries close strictly 30 minutes before the start of play. There are a limited number of late entries on the day, so get in early!


Chris Koloszar – Events Director
+61 449 914 747
Buderim, Sunshine Coast, Qld 4556  AUSTRALIA

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