2022 Queensland Teams Championship

  1. 2022 Queensland Teams Championship

    The 2022 Queensland Teams Championships were run by Shaun Curtis and Steven Cooke on Saturday 26th November at Kings Christian College, Pimpama Campus.

    The tournament was played with 26 teams of 6 players, with a mix of adults and juniors, from beginners through to titled players and even a GM!

    I would like to thank all the players, clubs, coaches and parents for their support in making the day a huge success in what was a great day that will be remembered by many.

    Team Cross Table

    No  Name                      Loc  Total  1      2      3      4      5      6      7    
    1.  Bullwinkle 1,             2105 29.0  14:6.0  7:3.0 11:6.0  3:3.5  4:2.0  6:5.0  2:3.5           QLD Teams Champion
    2.  Gold Coast Chess Club 1,  2063 26.5  15:5.0  4:0.0 18:5.5  5:5.0  9:6.0  3:2.5  1:2.5
    3.  Brisbane Blunders 1,      1926 32.5  16:6.0 10:6.0  4:2.5  1:2.5 12:6.0  2:3.5  5:6.0
    4.  Excessive Epicness,       1904 34.0  17:5.0  2:6.0  3:3.5  6:5.0  1:4.0  8:6.0 11:4.5
    5.  Redcliffe 1,              1626 21.5  18:4.0 15:3.5  7:3.0  2:1.0 17:4.0 20:6.0  3:0.0
    6.  Gold Coast Chess Club 2,  1622 22.5  19:6.0 11:3.0 13:4.0  4:1.0 15:5.0  1:1.0 10:2.5
    7.  Bullwinkle 2,             1543 23.5  20:5.0  1:3.0  5:3.0 14:4.5  8:3.0 11:1.0 13:4.0
    8.  King and Queen Chess,     1367 22.0  21:4.5 12:3.5 10:4.0  9:4.0  7:3.0  4:0.0 14:3.0
    9.  Gold Coast Chess Club 3,  1324 21.5  22:5.5 13:2.5 17:4.0  8:2.0  2:0.0 15:3.5 18:4.0
    10. Morale,                   1286 24.0  23:6.0  3:0.0  8:2.0 20:4.5 14:3.5 12:4.5  6:3.5
    11. Logan,                    1257 25.0  24:6.0  6:3.0  1:0.0 17:4.0 13:5.5  7:5.0  4:1.5
    12. Degen Seven,              1215 22.0  25:5.0  8:2.5 19:4.5 13:4.5  3:0.0 10:1.5 26:4.0
    13. Brisbane Blunders 2,      1061 20.0  26:6.0  9:3.5  6:2.0 12:1.5 11:.5  17:4.5  7:2.0
    14. Suncoast Mackay +,        1020 22.0   1:0.0 22:6.0 20:5.0  7:1.5 10:2.5 18:4.0  8:3.0   1st Rating Group A
    15. Gold Coast Chess Club 5,  1001 21.5   2:1.0  5:2.5 23:5.0 16:5.0  6:1.0  9:2.5 19:4.5
    16. Gold Coast Chess Club 4,  988  20.5   3:0.0 23:4.0 21:5.0 15:1.0 26:2.5 19:3.0 24:5.0
    17. Mars Chess Club 1,        965  20.5   4:1.0 25:6.0  9:2.0 11:2.0  5:2.0 13:1.5 22:6.0
    18. Oscar,                    912  18.5   5:2.0 21:3.0  2:.5  23:5.0 25:4.0 14:2.0  9:2.0
    19. Emmanuel Monsters,        738  16.0   6:0.0 24:5.0 12:1.5 26:2.0 21:3.0 16:3.0 15:1.5
    20. Brisbane Blunders 3,      583  21.0   7:1.0 26:6.0 14:1.0 10:1.5 24:6.0  5:0.0 25:5.5
    21. Mars Chess Club 2,        502  19.5   8:1.5 18:3.0 16:1.0 25:1.0 19:3.0 22:6.0 23:4.0
    22. Mixed Bag,                500  2.0    9:.5  14:0.0 26:0.0 24:.5  23:1.0 21:0.0 17:0.0
    23. Kings Kings,              500  15.0  10:0.0 16:2.0 15:1.0 18:1.0 22:5.0 24:4.0 21:2.0
    24. Mars Chess Club 3,        500  11.5  11:0.0 19:1.0 25:2.0 22:5.5 20:0.0 23:2.0 16:1.0
    25. Brisbane Blunders 4,      445  14.0  12:1.0 17:0.0 24:4.0 21:5.0 18:2.0 26:1.5 20:.5 
    26. Gold Coast Chess Club 6,  444  20.0  13:0.0 20:0.0 22:6.0 19:4.0 16:3.5 25:4.5 12:2.0

    Individual Cross Table

    No  Name                  Feder Loc  Club                 Total   1     2     3     4     5     6     7  
    1   Turner, Jai           QLD   1512 Excessive Epicness   7      87:W  22:W  24:W  54:W 131:W  29:W 100:W        1st board 6
    2   Liu, Yi               QLD   2398 Brisbane Blunders 1  6.5    96:W  82:W   5:D  38:W  17:W  81:W  25:W            1st board 1
    3   Baneshi, Kiamehr      QLD   1608 Excessive Epicness   6.5    63:W  45:W  27:D  89:W  26:W  53:W 121:W    1st board 5
    4   Dowden, Tony          QLD   1742 Brisbane Blunders 1  6.5   143:W  75:W  83:W  19:W  21:D  40:W  91:W    1st board 4
    5   Renjith, Sravan       QLD   2297 Excessive Epicness   6      66:W  81:W   2:D  17:D  23:W  13:W  85:W         
    6   Williams, Bruce       QLD   2240 Bullwinkle 1         6      28:W  84:W  39:W  15:L  16:W  47:W  48:W            1st board 2
    7   Stead, Kerry          VIC   1991 Gold Coast 1         6      60:W   9:L 123:W  77:W  37:W  44:W  36:W
    8   Van Pelt, Michael     QLD   1650 Bullwinkle 2         6      92:W  36:W  37:L 141:W  61:W  49:W  51:W
    9   Parle, Hughston       QLD   2110 Excessive Epicness   6      74:D   7:W  44:W  36:D 111:W 140:W  49:W       1st board 3
    10  Chan, Jason           QLD   1360 Bullwinkle 2         6     116:W  21:W  91:W 140:W  35:W  12:L 110:W
    11  Hart, Luka            QLD   1323 Gold Coast 3         6     114:W 105:W  87:W  22:L  29:W  57:W 153:W
    12  Balan, Jigando        QLD   1581 Logan                6     145:W  59:W  21:L 110:W 134:W  10:W  83:W
    13  Wohl, Aleksandar H    QLD   2386 King and Queen Chess 6     146:W  38:W  82:W 113:W 147:W   5:L 112:W
    14  Tan, Oscar            QLD   1417 Oscar                6      25:W 146:W  81:L 130:W  71:W 112:W 147:W
    15  Soo-Burrowes, Eliot W QLD   2149 Excessive Epicness   5.5    67:D  48:W  16:D   6:W  47:W  55:W  39:D
    16  Rodgers, Jack         QLD   2171 Brisbane Blunders 1  5.5    33:W  86:W  15:D  97:W   6:L  48:W  90:W
    17  Smerdon, David C      QLD   2422 Bullwinkle 1         5.5   112:W 113:W  85:W   5:D   2:L  23:W  81:W
    18  Whitaker, Cooper      QLD   924  Brisbane Blunders 2  5.5   102:W  46:W  26:L 121:W  93:D  63:W  56:W
    19  Mares, Jared          QLD   1344 Degen Seven          5.5   148:W 141:W 101:W   4:L 110:W  75:D  79:W
    20  Lee, Annabel          QLD        Mars Chess Club 2    5.5   140:W 123:W  62:L 125:D 150:W 152:W 132:W
    21  Edwards, Jacob A      QLD   2020 Bullwinkle 1         5      72:W  10:L  12:W  83:W   4:D  59:W  40:D
    22  Kitikov, Oleg         QLD   1533 Gold Coast 1         5      57:W   1:L 153:W  11:W  50:W  24:W  54:L
    23  Leong, Benjamin       QLD   1904 Gold Coast 2         5      41:W  85:W  95:W  88:W   5:L  17:L  82:W
    24  Jones, Jonathan       QLD   1507 Brisbane Blunders 1  5      98:W  52:W   1:L 127:W  89:W  22:L  50:W
    25  Maguire, Tom          QLD   2218 Redcliffe CC         5      14:L  88:W 113:W  66:W  81:W 106:W   2:L
    26  Yang, Bojun (Bryan)   QLD   1418 Gold Coast 2         5     142:W 121:W  18:W  31:W   3:L  89:L  73:W
    27  McCarthy, Oliver      QLD   1610 Brisbane Blunders 1  5      64:W  73:W   3:D  93:W  54:L  45:D 122:W
    28  Bourke, Ronald        QLD   1492 Suncoast Mackay +    5       6:L 155:W  69:W  86:W  84:L  65:W  55:W
    29  Li, Austin            QLD   885  King and Queen Chess 5     107:W 127:W  52:W 126:W  11:L   1:L 135:W
    30  Chen, Alex            QLD   618  Brisbane Blunders 3  5     126:W  70:W 135:W 138:W  52:L  50:L  68:W
    31  Inukai, Rentaro       QLD   1042 Gold Coast 5         5      45:W 122:W 149:W  26:L  64:W  46:L 142:W
    32  Liaw, Ryan            QLD   1391 Morale               5     132:W  44:L 140:D  61:W  92:W  58:W 111:D
    33  Fichna, Vilem         QLD   1090 Gold Coast 4         5      16:L 137:W  99:W 133:W 115:W  34:L 128:W
    34  Hadikusumo, Elijah    QLD   1091 Emmanuel Monsters    5      47:L 128:W  97:W  99:W 133:D  33:W 115:D
    35  Uscinski, Jordan                 Suncoast Mackay +    5      89:L 114:W 116:W  75:W  10:L 124:W 141:W
    36  Slater-Jones, Tom     QLD   2126 Bullwinkle 1         4.5    61:W   8:L  49:W   9:D  44:W 111:W   7:L
    37  Fossey, Allan         QLD   1566 Redcliffe CC         4.5   123:W  60:D   8:W  74:W   7:L  92:W  44:L
    38  Dunn, Lachlan         QLD   1483 Degen Seven          4.5   130:W  13:L  41:D   2:L  95:W  82:W 103:W
    39  Wang, Lachlan         QLD   1587 Logan                4.5   128:W  47:L   6:L 118:W  67:W  84:W  15:D
    40  Young, Micah          QLD   1842 Gold Coast 1         4.5    94:W  83:L 124:W  43:W  91:W   4:L  21:D
    41  Cooper, Joshua        QLD   1335 Emmanuel Monsters    4.5    23:L 136:W  38:D 146:W 103:W  96:W  88:L
    42  Pearson, James        QLD        Oscar                4.5   122:L 120:W  45:D 129:W 149:W  72:W  46:L
    43  Breeden, Marek        QLD   1207 Gold Coast 3         4.5   154:W 110:D 134:W  40:L 141:L  94:W 124:W
    44  Brady, Aiden          QLD   2128 Brisbane Blunders 1  4      62:W  32:W   9:L  58:W  36:L   7:L  37:W
    45  Haddara, Marwan       OS    1854 Gold Coast 1         4      31:L   3:L  42:D  46:W 122:W  27:D  89:W
    46  Lucas, Peter          QLD   1261 Gold Coast 3         4     156:W  18:L  63:W  45:L  53:L  31:W  42:W
    47  Leong, Joel           QLD   1573 Gold Coast 2         4      34:W  39:W 118:W 115:W  15:L   6:L  86:L
    48  Qi, Mars              QLD   2116 Gold Coast 1         4     115:W  15:L  65:W 117:W  90:W  16:L   6:L
    49  Lin, Andrew           QLD        Logan                4     151:W 111:W  36:L  51:W  74:W   8:L   9:L
    50  Stokes, Mark C        QLD   1300 Redcliffe CC         4     119:W  57:W 126:L  87:W  22:L  30:W  24:L
    51  Li, Ian               QLD   1283 Brisbane Blunders 2  4      78:W  77:W 111:W  49:L  58:L  74:W   8:L
    52  Renwick, Alex         QLD        Morale               4     104:W  24:L  29:L 135:W  30:W   0:  131:W
    53  Xing, Zeqi            QLD   1036 King and Queen Chess 4     120:W  93:D  73:D  56:L  46:W   3:L  72:W
    54  Slater-Jones, Henry   QLD   1906 Bullwinkle 1         4     135:W  56:L 121:W   1:L  27:W 131:L  22:W
    55  Xing, Zerui           QLD   1618 King and Queen Chess 4      99:W  97:L  86:W  84:W 117:W  15:L  28:L
    56  Olm-Milligan, Dominic QLD   1539 Bullwinkle 2         4      76:W  54:W 122:W  53:W  72:L 121:L  18:L
    57  Hu, Luke              QLD   957  Gold Coast 5         4      22:L  50:L 104:W 131:W  98:W  11:L 148:W
    58  Woodrow, Daniel       QLD   1320 Degen Seven          4     150:W 140:L  66:W  44:L  51:W  32:L  78:W
    59  Ford, Daniel          QLD   1448 Gold Coast 2         4     101:W  12:L 110:W  94:W  83:W  21:L 114:L
    60  Williams, Elizabeth   QLD   921  Gold Coast 5         4       7:L  37:D 132:W 111:L  62:W  77:D 125:W
    61  Healy, Liam           QLD   1463 Suncoast Mackay +    4      36:L 152:W  92:W  32:L   8:L 123:W 140:W
    62  Smith, Mathew         QLD   1002 Gold Coast 4         4      44:L 132:W  20:W  78:L  60:L 125:W 151:W
    63  Liu, Mike             QLD   881  Mars Chess Club 1    4       3:L 129:W  46:L 122:W 121:W  18:L 154:W
    64  Menzies, Jonah        QLD        Gold Coast 4         4      27:L 149:W 120:W 102:W  31:L 142:W 109:L
    65  Gu, Alex              QLD   1028 Oscar                4      90:W  99:L  48:L 144:W 137:W  28:L 117:W
    66  Liu, Isaac            QLD   1239 Mars Chess Club 1    4       5:L 130:W 147:W  25:L  85:W  95:L 157:W
    67  La, Brian             QLD   1286 Mars Chess Club 1    4      15:D 144:W 117:L  90:W  39:L 118:D 155:W
    68  Chen, Charlene        QLD        Brisbane Blunders 4  4     127:W  87:L 138:W 153:W 107:W  70:L  30:L
    69  Han, Lucas            QLD        Brisbane Blunders 3  4      84:L 133:W  28:L 128:W  86:W  90:L 144:W
    70  Sang Yum, Paul        QLD        Gold Coast 6         4     105:L  30:L 148:W  98:W 148:L  68:W 127:W
    71  Naidoo, Sennin        QLD   375  Kings Kings          4      82:L  96:L  88:W 157:W  14:L 136:W 146:W
    72  Hirst, Harry          QLD        Suncoast Mackay +    3.5    21:L 154:W  76:W  73:D  56:W  42:L  53:L
    73  Windsor, Maximilian   QLD   1211 Morale               3.5   149:W  27:L  53:D  72:D  76:D  93:W  26:L
    74  Wu, Elvis             QLD   936  Mars Chess Club 1    3.5     9:D 150:W  77:W  37:L  49:L  51:L 152:W
    75  Gratchev, Ekaterina   QLD   1591 Morale               3.5   108:W   4:L 141:W  35:L 116:W  19:D   0: 
    76  Wang, Chloe           QLD   766  Brisbane Blunders 3  3.5    56:L 102:W  72:L 109:W  73:D 122:L 129:W
    77  Eriksson, Caleb       QLD   1285 Gold Coast 3         3.5   155:W  51:L  74:L   7:L 140:W  60:D 123:W
    78  Fitzgerald, Lachlain  QLD        Gold Coast 6         3.5    51:L  92:L 154:W  62:W 125:D 150:W  58:L
    79  Tong, Max             QLD   298  Gold Coast 6         3.5   110:L 116:L 114:W 143:D 101:W 119:W  19:L
    80  Lu, Edward                       Mars Chess Club 2    3.5   141:D 124:L 143:W 101:W 119:L 114:W 108:L
    81  Stojic, Dusan         QLD   2264 Gold Coast 1         3      88:W   5:L  14:W 147:W  25:L   2:L  17:L
    82  Lee, Leon             QLD   1558 Morale               3      71:W   2:L  13:L 112:W 106:W  38:L  23:L
    83  Walker, Tyson         QLD   1750 Excessive Epicness   3     134:W  40:W   4:L  21:L  59:L 141:W  12:L
    84  D'Arcy, Michael       QLD   1744 Bullwinkle 2         3      69:W   6:L  90:L  55:L  28:W  39:L 118:W
    85  Korenevski, Oleg      QLD   1598 Logan                3     136:W  23:L  17:L  95:W  66:L 113:W   5:L
    86  Howard-Mowat, Oliver  QLD   1463 Morale               3     137:W  16:L  55:L  28:L  69:L  97:W  47:W
    87  Li, Terrence          QLD        Mars Chess Club 1    3       1:L  68:W  11:L  50:L 100:L 105:W 156:W
    88  Inukai, Kotaro        QLD   998  Gold Coast 5         3      81:L  25:L  71:L  23:L  96:W 147:W  41:W
    89  Stawski, Nik V        QLD   1915 Bullwinkle 1         3      35:W 126:W 139:W   3:L  24:L  91:L  45:L
    90  Pardoen, Alain        QLD   1678 Redcliffe CC         3      65:L 115:W  84:W  67:L  48:L  69:W  16:L
    91  Cronin, Peter         QLD   1559 Redcliffe CC         3     124:W  94:L  10:L 134:W  40:L  89:W   4:L
    92  Huang, David          QLD   630  Brisbane Blunders 3  3       8:L  78:W  61:L 151:W  32:L  37:L 150:W
    93  Roche-Maxwell, Iago   QLD   1249 Degen Seven          3     129:W  53:D 142:W  27:L  18:D  73:L 102:L
    94  Tong, Justin          QLD   995  Gold Coast 5         3      40:L  91:W 108:W  59:L 143:W  43:L 101:L
    95  Fu, Neil              QLD   1171 Brisbane Blunders 2  3     103:W 147:W  23:L  85:L  38:L  66:W 113:L
    96  Nag, Suvan            QLD   1127 Gold Coast 4         3       2:L  71:W 146:W 103:L  88:L  41:L 136:W
    97  Sudhahar, Mittun      QLD   1393 Degen Seven          3     144:W  55:W  34:L  16:L 118:L  86:L 133:W
    98  Skinner, Eden                    Gold Coast 4         3      24:L   0:  107:W  70:L  57:L 148:W 138:W
    99  Ang, Daniel           QLD   512  Mars Chess Club 2    3      55:L  65:W  33:L  34:L 144:L 155:W 137:W
    100 Cristuta, Roy (Snr.)  QLD   928  Logan                3       0:  131:W   0:    0:   87:W 126:W   1:L
    101 Shen, Frank                      Emmanuel Monsters    3      59:L 145:W  19:L  80:L  79:L 143:W  94:W
    102 Sun, Jackson          QLD        Gold Coast 6         3      18:L  76:L 156:W  64:L 142:W   0:   93:W
    103 Sun, Dejun            QLD   368  Gold Coast 6         3      95:L 106:L 157:W  96:W  41:L 129:W  38:L
    104 Kim, Ian                         Kings Kings          3      52:L 147:W  57:L 114:L 119:W 138:W 107:L
    105 Ong, Joshua           QLD   879  Brisbane Blunders 2  3      70:W  11:L 131:W 139:L 127:L  87:L 126:W
    106 Ki, Woo Joon          QLD   538  Brisbane Blunders 3  3     113:L 103:W 112:L 136:W  82:L  25:L 130:W
    107 Huang, Charlie                   Mars Chess Club 3    3      29:L 125:L  98:L 148:W  68:L 156:W 104:W
    108 Callaghan, Bentley               Kings Kings          3      75:L 143:W  94:L 154:W 124:L 145:L  80:W
    109 Hu, Thomas                       Mars Chess Club 3    3     121:L 142:L 129:L  76:L 154:W 149:W  64:W
    110 Liu, Henry            QLD   920  Brisbane Blunders 2  2.5    79:W  43:D  59:L  12:L  19:L 134:W  10:L
    111 Barkley, Christian    QLD   1575 Gold Coast 2         2.5   125:W  49:L  51:L  60:W   9:L  36:L  32:D
    112 Paetsch, Nicholas     OS    1663 Suncoast Mackay +    2.5    17:L 157:W 106:W  82:L 113:D  14:L  13:L
    113 Thomas, Brian         QLD   1776 Bullwinkle 2         2.5   106:W  17:L  25:L  13:L 112:D  85:L  95:W
    114 Lim Getigan, Khrizeah            Mixed Bag            2.5    11:L  35:L  79:L 104:W 145:D  80:L  59:W
    115 Feldblyum, Alexander  QLD   1092 Gold Coast 5         2.5    48:L  90:L 137:W  47:L  33:L 117:W  34:D
    116 Brdaric, Nikolaj      QLD   448  Brisbane Blunders 3  2.5    10:L  79:W  35:L 110:W  75:L   0:  119:D
    117 Reed, Russell         QLD        Gold Coast 3         2.5   152:D 118:W  67:W  48:L  55:L 115:L  65:L
    118 Fu, Charles           QLD   1190 Brisbane Blunders 2  2.5   133:W 117:L  47:L  39:L  97:W  67:D  84:L
    119 Sukamto, Oliver                  Oscar                2.5    50:L 134:L 145:W 124:W 104:L  79:L 116:D
    120 Xu, Martin                       Mars Chess Club 2    2.5    53:L  42:L  64:L 142:D 129:L 154:W 149:W
    121 Ambatali, Ric         QLD   1345 Logan                2     109:W  26:L  54:L  18:L  63:L  56:W   3:L
    122 Weller, Tony          QLD   1435 Redcliffe CC         2      42:W  31:L  56:L  63:L  45:L  76:W  27:L
    123 Watkins, Rachel Jane  QLD   901  Oscar                2      37:L  20:L   7:L 150:W 132:W  61:L  77:L
    124 Hu, Zeke              QLD        Oscar                2      91:L  80:W  40:L 119:L 108:W  35:L  43:L
    125 Lun, Isaac            QLD        Emmanuel Monsters    2     111:L 107:W   0:   20:D  78:D  62:L  60:L
    126 Edwards, Regina       QLD   1187 Bullwinkle 2         2      30:L  89:L  50:W  29:L 135:W 100:L 105:L
    127 Alzaher, Sibar                   Degen Seven          2      68:L  29:L 158:W  24:L 105:W 131:L  70:L
    128 Xu, Jacob                        Mars Chess Club 3    2      39:L  34:L 144:W  69:L 155:W 137:L  33:L
    129 Yu, Bojia (Bella)     QLD        Brisbane Blunders 4  2      93:L  63:L 109:W  42:L 120:W 103:L  76:L
    130 Frost, Angus                     Brisbane Blunders 4  2      38:L  66:L 136:L  14:L 146:W 103:W 106:L
    131 Renkin, Jeremy        QLD        Gold Coast 2         2     158:W 100:L 105:L  57:L   1:L 127:W  52:L
    132 Reilly, Benjamin      QLD        Kings Kings          2      32:L  62:L  60:L 152:W 123:L 151:W  20:L
    133 Magden, Deniz         QLD        Gold Coast 6         2     118:L  69:L 155:W  33:L  34:D 144:D  97:L
    134 Doran, Kaiden         QLD   946  Mars Chess Club 1    2      83:L 119:W  43:L  91:L  12:L 110:L 114:W
    135 Zhou, Kevin                      Suncoast Mackay +    2      54:L 156:W  30:L  52:L 126:L 153:W  29:L
    136 Lee, Timothy                     Mars Chess Club 2    2      85:L  41:L 130:W 106:L 157:W  71:L  96:L
    137 Sidhu, Arshnoor       QLD   366  Kings Kings          2      86:L  33:L 115:L 155:W  65:L 128:W  99:L
    138 Lin, Eason            QLD        Mars Chess Club 3    2     139:L 158:W  68:L  30:L 156:W 104:L  98:L
    139 Wang, Kingston                   Logan                2     138:W   0:   89:L 105:W   0:    0:    0: 
    140 Shen, Owen            QLD   1182 King and Queen Chess 1.5    20:L  58:W  32:D  10:L  77:L   9:L  61:L
    141 Zou, Xuyuan           QLD   1093 King and Queen Chess 1.5    80:D  19:L  75:L   8:L  43:W  83:L  35:L
    142 Shan, Anqi                       Emmanuel Monsters    1.5    26:L 109:W  93:L 120:D 102:L  64:L  31:L
    143 Austin, Michael       QLD        Gold Coast 4         1.5     4:L 108:L  80:L  79:D  94:L 101:L 145:W
    144 Liu, Paris            QLD   171  Brisbane Blunders 4  1.5    97:L  67:L 128:L  65:L  99:W 133:D  69:L
    145 Lee, Henry                       Mars Chess Club 3    1.5    12:L 101:L 119:L   0:  114:D 108:W 143:L
    146 Lu, Lucas             QLD        Mars Chess Club 2    1      13:L  14:L  96:L  41:L 130:L 157:W  71:L
    147 Skinner, Benjamin     QLD        Gold Coast 3         1     157:W  95:L  66:L  81:L  13:L  88:L  14:L

    Congratulations to Excessive Epicness for retaining the title of Queensland Championship team once again.

    Pictures have been posted on their Facebook page which include the Hawaiian themed they wore throughout.

    I’d like to give a special mention to the winning team from group A which was a combination of Mackay Chess Club and Sunshine Coast Chess Club. They travelled a long way to play on the Gold Coast and played well enough to win their respective group.

    Congratulations to all, if anyone has any photos of the event please email through to shauncurtis1994@gmail.com

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