Australian Olympiad Teams are now on a 104 week cycle. Budapest 2024 Top 10. Top 5 by 2026
The schedule has been brought forward by 2 years.
I have seen the light!
All we have to do is get a small amount of Australian Elite Chess players over 2700.
We have the talent. Queensland could go it alone and fill most of the places in 2026.
We have the money. Australian Chess has hit the big time, now offering $1,000 for U/1600 prizes.
All we need is:
2.Overseas competition in high end Round Robins or Swisses.
How about a tithing of $1 on every tournament entry fee in Australia. This will go towards our Elite players os travel and accom. expenses. What’s that? Why not make it $2? Why didn’t I think of that?
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