Qld’s Strongest Chess Club decided this Thursday night 7pm – RCC v GCCC Inc

This Thursday night at 7pm will begin the battle for the, “Wooden Throne”

Deciding who has Qld’s Biggest, Toughest and Strongest Chess Club in all the seven king/queen/LGBTIdoms!

$100 Best Game – $100 Best Sacrifice

The match you have all been waiting for if ticket sales are anything to go by.

Redcliffe Chess Club versus Gold Coast Chess Club Inc.

Seniors and Juniors will battle it out over 9 boards to claim the – “Wooden Throne”.

And no, the Lannisters are not playing, although they always pay their entry fees.

Players will meet up over Lichess or Chess.com for two games of 15 mins. + 10 secs.

Send the results to me as soon as the games are over. You can choose to send you pgn games if you wish and I will happily publish.

You have to nominate your game/s for the above prizes.

I will publish via RCC News and a general consensus will decide.

Club Presidents and Captain Stockfish will become involved in the judging if there are a lot of good entries.


All those pretenders to the throne can form a line and issue a challenge to the winner of Thursday night’s match.

Mark, keep your phone switched on!

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