Miami High School beats Clontarf High by 8-1!!
Well done to Matt Smith and his players from Miami High.
CBH was outplayed on most boards and we look forward to a rematch next term.
The match actually ran like clockwork. Thank you to Miami High for being so punctual.
The 2nd lunch bell went at 12.50pm and Boards 1-5 were all playing by 12.53pm.
As soon as a game finished, Board 6 sat down and played etc.
CBH had 5 designated desktops and Miami had individual laptops. We gave them our usernames and they sought a game with each of our numbered board players. No names were used to adhere to Privacy Provisions.
It was, of course, a Fixed Roster match with best players on Board 1 etc.
Total cost?
Zero dollars and 20 minutes of time.
Well done to Miami High – We will be stronger next time.
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