New CAQ Inc. Constitution + Teams Chess proposal
Hi All,
Just following up on the email below sent in December. We are seeking feedback on the drafted constitution. Please get back to us by 14th Feb so that we can continue working through the process of trying to create something that works for everyone and club.
Also, would appreciate your thoughts on the following.
- A potential Queensland Teams Championship being revamped. Something like 1 round per 5 week block, with teams to arrange when the game takes place. X number of players involves with some criteria around eligibility etc. Would your club be interested in something like this?
- An informal Zoom meeting with Doug Williams, the new president in order to chat about the lay of the land and raise any questions or propose any suggestions etc.
If you can please get back to me with your suggestions around the constitution and answers around the other two, that would be appreciated! I have also included Doug in this email.
Andrew FitzPatrick
CAQ Vice President and Tournament Officer
Life Member
From: Andrew FitzPatrick
Sent: Wednesday, 8 December 2021 5:52 PM
Subject: New Constitution
Dear Clubs,
Attached is the initial draft of the proposed new constitution for the Chess Association of Queensland, which has been drafted by Doug Williams.
This has been sent to the CAQ Council for feedback which has not been included here at this point in time as I would like to gather the thoughts of clubs.
If you could please have a look at the attached document, and please advise any comments. This could be things that you like, things that you think need changing, concerns and so on. If I can please get any feedback by end of calendar year then I can help collate all the feedback at add to the Council’s feedback for changes to be made.
This is purely a draft. The goal of CAQ is to consult with clubs to draft a new and improved constitution which better reflects our current environment moving forwards.
Please let me know if you would like to have a chat about this at all.
Kind Regards,
Andrew FitzPatrick
Director of Operations and Co-Owner
T: 07 5522 7221
FIDE Instructor, FIDE Arbiter, CAQ Vice President and Life Member
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