A blast from the past – 6 Packs – No beer included!
Brisbane Chess Club 1989 – see below
6 Pack Series
They attract the top players because there are no “easy” rounds.
Top section can be FIDE rated at one round per night with a decent time control.
Juniors have to hack their way up to the top section. By the time they get to the top section,
their rating is more realistic.
Round-Robin – people know who they are playing from Round 1 and and can prepare.
If you cannot make it on club night, simply contact your opponent and make arrangements.
I don’t think the Russians had even heard of a Swiss event until the mid-sixties.
It was all Grade and Round-Robin chess. They seem to have managed ok.
Played throughout June 1989 at the Brisbane Chess Club
Pack 1
1. Bruce Holiday 1976 3.0/3
2. Alain Pardoen 2007 3.0/4
3. Craig Laird 2246 2.0/5
Murray Campbell 1977 2.0/5
5. Colin Morris 2217 1.5/4
6. Paul Chalupa 1806 1.5/5
Pack 2
1. Victor Davidovici 1706 4
2. Igor Muller 1721 2
Ricardo Correas 1568 2
Tom Curtis 1588 2
5. Lionel Sapsford 1434 0
Pack 3
1. Frank Zvonar 1449 4
2. Warren Ward 1523 3
George Smith 1484 3
4. Jim Petrie 1494 2
Michael Crocker 1506 2
6. Lindsay Knight 1439 1
Pack 4
1. Magne Forfang 1442 3.5
2. Merv Howe 1343 3
3. Gavin Turrell 1360 2.5
4. Charlie North 1399 2
Ron Bugden 1422 2
Andrew Sag 1298 2
Pack 5
1. Arno Vizenti 1354 4
2. Theo Roberts unr 3.5
3. Scott Archibald 1152 3
4. Russell Mortimer 1211 2.5
5. Brian Kublick 1246 1
Tony Fraser 1088 1
Pack 6
1. Tim Wells unr 3
G. Kamitsis unr 3
Nick Kaspartov unr 3
4. John Zemek 1155 0
T. Muller unr 0
Lightning [Round Robin] Played 3rd August
1. Nadamo (GER) 2039 6
2. Paul Chalupa 1806 5
3. Victor Davidovici 1826 4
4. Ricardo Correas 1568 2
5. Igor Muller 1721 1
6. Michael Crocker 1506 0.5
Scott Archibald 1152 0.5
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