Round 3 results for the July, 2020 tournament.
Round 3 was played on Wednesday 15th July, 2020 with the following results:
- Tom Maguire 1 vs Mark Stokes 0.
- Filip Simic 1 vs Jeeva Praveen 0. In the battle of improving juniors, Filip’s superior experience was the deciding factor. He will now face Tom next week.
- Tony Weller 0 vs Lachlan Wang 1.
- Kingston Wang 0.5 vs Victor Davidovici 0.5. An excellent result for Kingston against the dangerous Victor.
- Nikola Malijkovich 0 vs Jai Turner 1.
- Rex Scarf 0 vs Tony McRoberts 1.
- Allan Fossey 1 vs Colin Dougherty 0.
- Nathan Hopkins 0 vs Michael Van Pelt 1.
There were 4 byes requested for tonight’s event. The Wang brothers continue to impress. Lachlan’s win over Tony on board 3 again reinforces the growing playing strength of the club’s juniors.
Club President Mark Stokes indicated that he was given a chess lesson from Tom, in fact this is how Tom “smashed” Mark’s French defence.
White: Tom Maguire Black: Mark Stokes Game played on Wednesday 15/7/2020
- d4 e6
- e4 d5
- Nc3 Bb4
- e5 c5
- a3 Bxc3+
- bxc3 Qc7
- Qg4 f5
- Qg3 Nc6
- Ne2 cxd4
- cxd4 Na5
- Nf4 g6
- Bb5+ Nc6
- c4 a6
- cxd5 axb5
- dxc6 bxc6
- 0-0 Ra4
- Bb2 Ne7
- Rac1 Kf7?
- d5! Qb7
- dxe6+ Bxe6
- Qg5 Ng8
- Nxe6 Kxe6
- Rfd1 Rg4
- Rd6+ Kf7
- e6+ Kf8
- Qd8++
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