2018 President’s report to the Club’s AGM

2018 President’s Report.

The following report was presented to the Club’s AGM held at Rothwell on Wednesday 19th December, 2018. The AGM was followed by the match against the Bullwinkle Club.

President Mark Stokes stated as follows:

. The club held 8 ACF and Queensland rated tournaments during the year. 14 (plus) club members entered in each of those events and it was extremely pleasing that 26 players contested the 2018 annual club championship.

. The club sponsored the 53rd annual Peninsula Open and Lou Wilkinson events with subsidised entry fees for all club members. The club also secured reduced entry fees for other regional events such including the Aviars Gipsip Memorial, QWCL’s March and the Wendy Terry Memorial events.

. The club is in a sound financial position. On average 14 to 24 players are attending weekly club nights. The annual membership fee is only $5.00 and club night fees remain at $3.00 for adults and $1.00 for juniors. The President mooted that this would be one of the cheapest fee base in the Queensland Chess scene. The key aspect in the club’s financial resilience is one of a strong and active club volunteer base – “many hands making light work”.

. The club now has a new website and the club wishes to place on record its sincere appreciation to TJ Yelds and David Esmonde for their professional assistance in the establishment of this new information site.

. The club, through the hard work of Brenda Weller, was able to secure a grant of $5,000.00 from the Queensland Gaming Fund which has been used to purchase new sets, chess boards, clocks and 4 new DGT boards. The latter will enable the club to broadcast tournament games live through www.livechess.aunz.net. These DGT boards will also assist other major chess tournaments throughout Queensland. As an aside, these DGT boards were first used at the 53rd Peninsula Open where Grandmasters Max Illingworth and Suart Attalik (from Turkey) were in attendance.

. The club made donations to the Grace Lutheran College and the 2018 Olympiad fund. The club wishes again to sincerely thank the college for their ongoing assistance and support given to the club – such is greatly appreciated and does the school management, teachers and support staff great credit in the promotion of chess.

. The 2018 annual club championships were held over 7 rounds and completed on Wednesday 12th December, 2018. Winners were:

Club Champion: Tom Maguire (6.5 out of 7).

2nd: Allan Fossey            3rd: Aiden Brady

Best U1500: Rex Scarf

Best junior: Kanak Relegar

. The 2019 club event calendar is now available and the first club event in 2019 will commence on Wednesday 16th January, 2019 with the annual Summer Swiss event.

. The club has several members attending the 2019 Australian Open in Melbourne and the club wishes them the very best. The first major event in Queensland will be the FIDE open tournament being held at the Gold Coast during the Australia day weekend.

. The President wished everyone a very merry Christmas and happy 2019. The President’s report was accepted with sustained applause.


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